- Schedule your treatment 2-3 weeks before any major event to allow for optimal results & properly heal from possible bruising
- You may not be pregnant or breastfeeding
- You may not be sick or on antibiotics
- You may not have any active cold sores
- Dental appointments including professional cleanings must be scheduled 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your treatment
- Any vaccinations must be done 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your treatment
- Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your treatment
- Get optimal hydration
- To promote better healing & recovery start taking Arnica
Montana supplements and /or eat fresh pineapples or take bromelain supplements 2-3 days before your treatment - Avoid or stop for 2 weeks before your treatment: NSAIDS,
Vitamin E, D, Fish Oil, Turmeric, gingko biloba, garlic, ginseng, St. John’s Wort, flax oil, cod liver oil, vitamin A |unless otherwise contraindicated by your MD|
- Redness, bruising, & small bumps may occur immediately after your treatment & may last up to a few hours
- You may experience a headache after your treatment as a normal side effect, you may take Tylenol if needed for discomfort, please avoid taking NSAIDS
- Do not massage or manipulate areas injected
- Do not wear a hat after after your treatment for remainder
of day - Do not wear makeup after after your treatment for remainder of day
- Avoid excessive heat & sweating, hot tubs, saunas, chlorine pools, or exercise 24 hours after your treatment
- Take Arnica Montana supplements and /or eat fresh pineapples or take bromelain supplements to promote faster healing
- It is recommended that you wait at least 2 weeks before having any facials, massages, lasers, microneedling, ultrasounds, permanent makeup
- The onset of results will occur 2-3 days after your treatment with full results observed after 2 weeks (you must wait 2 weeks to be seen for a follow up)
- Results last on average 3-4 months
- Schedule your treatment 2-3 weeks before any major event to allow for optimal results & properly heal from possible bruising
- Do not wear makeup to your appointment
- You may not be pregnant or breastfeeding
- You may not be sick or on antibiotics
- You may not have any active cold sores
- Dental appointments including professional cleanings must be scheduled 2 weeks before or after your treatment
- Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your treatment
- Any vaccinations must be done 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your treatment
- Get optimal hydration
- To promote better healing & recovery start taking Arnica Montana supplements and /or eat fresh pineapples or take bromelain supplements 2-3 days before your treatment
- Avoid or stop for 2 weeks before your treatment: NSAIDS, Vitamin E, D, Fish Oil, Turmeric, gingko biloba, garlic, ginseng, St. John’s Wort, flax oil, cod liver oil, vitamin A |unless otherwise contraindicated by your MD|
- It is normal to experience redness, bruising, swelling, & bumps immediately after your treatment that may last a few days up to a few weeks (f you notice any paleness in the area, contact your provider immediately)
- You may experience some mild discomfort after your treatment & you may take Tylenol if needed, please avoid taking NSAIDS
- Do not massage or manipulate areas injected
- Avoid makeup for 24 hours
- Avoid drinking with a straw for a week after your treatment
- Avoid excessive heat & sweating, hot tubs, saunas, chlorine pools, or exercise 24 hours after your treatment
- Take Arnica Montana supplements and /or eat fresh pineapples or take bromelain supplements to promote faster healing
- It is recommended that you wait at least 2 weeks before having any facials, massages, lasers, microneedling, ultrasounds, permanent makeup
- The onset of results is immediate with full results observed after 3-4 weeks after (you must wait 2 weeks to be seen for a follow up)
- Schedule your treatment 2-3 weeks before any major event to allow for optimal results & properly heal from possible bruising
- Do not wear makeup to your appointment
- You may not be pregnant or breastfeeding
- You may not be sick or on antibiotics
- You may not have any active cold sores
- Dental appointments including professional cleanings must be scheduled 2 weeks before or after your treatment
- Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your treatment
- Any vaccinations must be done 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your treatment
- Get optimal hydration -To promote better healing & recovery start taking Arnica Montana supplements and /or eat fresh pineapples or take bromelain supplements 2-3 days before your treatment
- Avoid or stop for 2 weeks before your treatment: NSAIDS, Vitamin E, D, Fish Oil, Turmeric, gingko biloba, garlic, ginseng, St. John’s Wort, flax oil, cod liver oil, vitamin A |unless otherwise contraindicated by your MD| TREATMENT GUIDELINES
- It is normal to experience redness, bruising, swelling, & bumps immediately after your treatment that may last a few days
- You may experience some mild discomfort after your treatment & you may take Tylenol if needed, please avoid taking NSAIDS
- Do not massage or manipulate areas injected
- You may ice the areas injected as needed
- Avoid makeup for 24 hours
- Avoid drinking with a straw for a week after your treatment
- Avoid excessive heat & sweating, hot tubs, saunas, chlorine pools, or exercise 24 hours after your treatment
- Take Arnica Montana supplements and /or eat fresh pineapples or take bromelain supplements to promote faster healing
- It is recommended that you wait at least 2 weeks before having any facials, massages, lasers, microneedling, ultrasounds, permanent makeup
- The onset of results is immediate with full results observed after 7 days (multiple treatments may be required spaced 7
days apart)
- Schedule your treatment 2-3 weeks before any major event to allow for optimal results & properly heal from possible bruising
- Do not wear makeup to your appointment
- You may not be pregnant or breastfeeding
- You may not be sick or on antibiotics
- You may not have any active cold sores
- Dental appointments including professional cleanings must be scheduled 2 weeks before or after your treatment
- Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your treatment
- Any vaccinations must be done 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your treatment
- Get optimal hydration
- To promote better healing & recovery start taking Arnica Montana supplements and /or eat fresh pineapples or take bromelain supplements 2-3 days before your treatment
- Avoid or stop for 2 weeks before your treatment: NSAIDS, Vitamin E, D, Fish Oil, Turmeric, gingko biloba, garlic, ginseng,
St. John’s Wort, flax oil, cod liver oil, vitamin A |unless otherwise contraindicated by your MD|
- It is normal to experience redness, bruising, swelling, & bumps immediately after your treatment that may last a few days up to a few weeks (f you notice any paleness in the area, contact your provider immediately)
- You may experience some mild discomfort after your treatment & you may take Tylenol if needed, please avoid taking NSAIDS
- Please follow the 5x5x5 Rule: massage areas injected for 5 minutes, 5 times per day, for 5 days
- You may ice the areas injected as needed
- Avoid makeup for 24 hours
- Avoid drinking with a straw for a week after your treatment
- Avoid excessive heat & sweating, hot tubs, saunas, chlorine pools, or exercise 24 hours after your treatment
- Take Arnica Montana supplements and /or eat freshnpineapples or take bromelain supplements to promote faster healing
- It is recommended that you wait at least 2 weeks before having any facials, massages, lasers, microneedling, ultrasounds, permanent makeup
- The onset of results is natural and gradual occurring 6-8 weeks after your treatment (A series of treatments may be required)
- Schedule your treatment 2-3 weeks before any major event to allow for optimal results & properly heal from possible bruising
- Do not wear makeup to your appointment
- You may not be pregnant or breastfeeding
- You may not be sick or on antibiotics
- You may not have any active cold sores
- Dental appointments including professional cleanings must be scheduled 2 weeks before or after your treatment
- Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your treatment
- Any vaccinations must be done 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your treatment
- Get optimal hydration
- To promote better healing & recovery start taking Arnica Montana supplements and /or eat fresh pineapples or take bromelain supplements 2-3 days before your treatment
- Avoid or stop for 2 weeks before your treatment: NSAIDS, Vitamin E, D, Fish Oil, Turmeric, gingko biloba, garlic, ginseng,
St. John’s Wort, flax oil, cod liver oil, vitamin A |unless otherwise contraindicated by your MD|
- It is normal to experience redness, bruising, swelling, itching & bumps immediately after your treatment that may last a few days up to a few weeks (you notice any paleness in
the area, contact your provider immediately) - You may experience some mild discomfort after your treatment & you may take Tylenol if needed, please avoid taking NSAIDS
- Avoid makeup for 24 hours
- Avoid drinking with a straw for a week after your treatment
- Avoid excessive heat & sweating, hot tubs, saunas, chlorine pools, or exercise 24 hours after your treatment
- Take Arnica Montana supplements and /or eat fresh pineapples or take bromelain supplements to promote faster healing
- It is recommended that you wait at least 2 weeks before having any facials, massages, lasers, microneedling, ultrasounds, permanent makeup
- The onset of results is natural and gradual occurring 4-8 weeks after your treatment (A series of treatments may be required)
- Schedule your treatment 2-3 weeks before any major event to allow for optimal results & properly heal from possible bruising
- Do not wear makeup to your appointment
- No spray tan or sun tan 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your treatment
- Stop retinols, AHA’s, BHA’s 3 days before your treatment
- You may not be pregnant or breastfeeding
- You may not be sick or on antibiotics
- You may not have any active cold sores
- Dental appointments including professional cleanings must be scheduled 2 weeks before or after your treatment
- Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your treatment
- Any vaccinations must be done 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your treatment
- Get optimal hydration
- To promote better healing & recovery start taking Arnica Montana supplements and /or eat fresh pineapples or take bromelain supplements 2-3 days before your treatment
- Avoid or stop for 2 weeks before your treatment: NSAIDS, Vitamin E, D, Fish Oil, Turmeric, gingko biloba, garlic, ginseng,
St. John’s Wort, flax oil, cod liver oil, vitamin A |unless otherwise contraindicated by your MD|
- It is normal to experience redness, bruising, swelling, itching & bumps immediately after your treatment that may last a few days
- You may experience some mild discomfort after your treatment & you may take Tylenol if needed, please avoid taking NSAIDS
- Avoid makeup for 24 hours
- Avoid SPF for 24 hours
- Avoid excessive heat & sweating, hot tubs, saunas, chlorine pools, or exercise 24 hours after your treatment
- You may resume retinols, AHA’s, BHA’s 3 days after your treatment
- Take Arnica Montana supplements and /or eat fresh pineapples or take bromelain supplements to promote faster healing
- It is recommended that you wait at least 2 weeks before having any facials, massages, lasers, microneedling, ultrasounds, permanent makeup
- The onset of results is natural and gradual (A series of treatments may be required)
- Schedule your treatment 2-3 weeks before any major event to allow for optimal results
- Do not wear makeup to your appointment
- No spray tan or sun tan 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your treatment
- Stop retinols, AHA’s, BHA’s 3 days before your treatment
- You may not be pregnant or breastfeeding
- You may not be sick or on antibiotics
- You may not have any active cold sores
- Dental appointments including professional cleanings must be scheduled 2 weeks before or after your treatment
- Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your treatment
- Any vaccinations must be done 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your treatment
- Get optimal hydration
- Avoid or stop for 2 weeks before your treatment: NSAIDS, Vitamin E, D, Fish Oil, Turmeric, gingko biloba, garlic, ginseng, St. John’s Wort, flax oil, cod liver oil, vitamin A |unlessotherwise contraindicated by your MD|
- It is normal to experience redness, swelling, itching & bumps immediately after your treatment that may last a few days
- You may experience some mild discomfort after your treatment & you may take Tylenol if needed, please avoid taking NSAIDS
- You may experience mild skin shedding a day or so after your treatment lasting up to 14 days
- Do not pick or scratch any peeling skin
- Avoid makeup for 24 hours
- Avoid excessive heat & sweating, hot tubs, saunas, chlorine pools, or exercise 24 hours after your treatment
- You may resume retinols, AHA’s, BHA’s 3 days after your treatment
- It is recommended that you wait at least 2 weeks before having any facials, massages, lasers, microneedling, ultrasounds, permanent makeup
- The onset of results is natural and gradual (A series of treatments may be required)
- Schedule your treatment 2-3 weeks before any major event to allow for optimal results
- Do not wear makeup to your appointment
- No spray tan or sun tan 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your treatment
- Stop retinols, AHA’s, BHA’s 3 days before your treatment
- Please notify your provider if you are pregnant or breastfeeding
- You may not be sick or on antibiotics
- You may not have any active cold sores
- Dental appointments including professional cleanings must be scheduled 2 weeks before or after your treatment
- Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your treatment
- Any vaccinations must be done 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your treatment
- Get optimal hydration
- It is normal to experience redness, mild swelling, itching & bumps immediately after your treatment that may last a few days
- Avoid makeup for 24 hours
- Avoid excessive heat & sweating, hot tubs, saunas, chlorine pools, or exercise 24 hours after your treatment
- You may resume retinols, AHA’s, BHA’s 3 days after your treatment
- It is recommended that you wait at least 2 weeks before having any facials, massages, lasers, microneedling,ultrasounds, permanent makeup
- Ensure adequate hydration after your treatment
- The onset of results is natural and gradual (A series of treatments may be required)
- Emsculpt Neo is NOT recommended for those who have electronic (cardiac pacemakers, defibrillators, neurostimulators) or metal implants, any type of implanted pumps, or copper IUDs
- You may not be pregnant or breastfeeding
- Please notify your provider if you had any abdominal surgery in last year, or pregnancy
- You may not be sick or on antibiotics
- You may not have any active cold sores
- You must hydrated with at least 2 Listers of water 24 hours before your treatment and continue day of your treatment
- Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your treatment
- Any vaccinations must be done 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your treatment
- Remove any lotion or makeup from treatment areas
- Trim / shave excess hair from treatment areas day before your treatment
- Remove all metal accessories, such as jewelry, watches during your treatment
- It is normal to experience mild soreness, redness, and discomfort to areas treated
- Most people can expect to resume normal activities shortly after treatment.
- Avoid excessive heat & sweating, hot tubs, saunas, chlorine pools, or exercise 24 hours after your treatment
- Ensure adequate hydration after your treatment
- Avoid alcohol 24 hours after your treatment
- The onset of results is natural and gradual (A series of treatments may be required)
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